Thursday 14 July 2016

A warm welcome!

Hi everyone.

I decided to start this blog to share my love of historical costume and  to document my research and sewing projects. I have been sewing and crafting for many years studying fashion at college and then completing my degree in Costume Design with 1st class honours, my biggest achievement to date. It was during my degree I learned the art of millinery something that I have continued in the years since and turned into a small business. I enjoy creating hats and headpieces with historical influences and sell at local craft fairs as well as through my etsy shop You can also learn all about Olive and Betty hats over an my other blog

While my hats are something that I have been able to fit around my completely un-creative day job my passion for historical dress is as strong as ever but unfortunately I have struggled to find the time to do any real sewing having to satisfy myself drooling over my collection of costume dramas or studying the photos and patterns in one my costume books dreaming of what I would love to make if only I had the time. We'll I have decided, it's time for me to make time! 

So here's to the start of my blog. I'm hoping it will serve as a scrapbook for all my little bits of research and a diary for any projects I undertake as I attempt to restitch history! 

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